Haryana Saksham Yuva Yojana 2025 Registration, Login at hreyahs.gov.in

Haryana government has started Saksham Yuva Yojana Registration 2025 and login process at hreyahs.gov.in. Under this scheme, the state govt. will provide unemployment allowance & honorarium to the eligible youth. 10+2 pass, graduate degree and post graduate degree holders can apply online for Saksham Yuva Scheme.

The new Saksham Yuva Yojna aims to provide allowance to eligible educated unemployed youth of Haryana for their skill up-gradation. This would enable youth to avail employment or self-employment opportunities meant for them.

Read this article till the end to know how to make Saksham Yuva Yojana registration and login through the official website. Also check rate of unemployment allowance / honorarium, eligibility criteria, declaration to be made and other aspects regarding the scheme.

Haryana Saksham Yuva Yojana 2025 Registration & Login

Application for the Allowances/ Honorarium must be made in the following manner:-
STEP 1: If applicant is not already registered in the “Live Register of Employment Exchange“, then he/she must firstly get registered through either offline method (visiting employment exchange) or online method (by visiting https://www.hrex.gov.in/ website).
STEP 2: Once your name is present in live register of employment exchange, then applicant shall apply online in digital mode only on https://hreyahs.gov.in/
On the homepage of hreyas gov in portal, click at “Sign In” tab to make login.
STEP 3: Direct link for Hreyahs Portal Login / Sign-in: https://hreyahs.gov.in/parvesh

hreyahs.gov.in Portal Login
hreyahs.gov.in Portal Login

STEP 4: If already registered, then enter employment registration number, password and click “Login” button. If you are a new user, then click at “Sign Up/Register” link.
STEP 5: Direct Link for Hreyahs Portal Registration / Sign Up: https://hreyahs.gov.in/preregistration
Haryana Saksham Yuva Yojana Apply Online Form
Haryana Saksham Yuva Yojana Apply Online Form

STEP 6: Enter all the details in the Saksham Yuva Yojana online registration form to complete registration process and then make login.

Haryana Saksham Yuva Yojana Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicant should be a domicile of Haryana.
  • Applicant should be registered in the Live Register of the concerned Employment Exchange. If not already registered, then 10+2 / Graduate / Post-Graduate qualified applicant may simultaneously register on www.hrex.gov.in website of the Department
  • If applying as 10+2 pass, applicant should have passed 10+2 examination, as regular student, from any recognized school, affiliated to Board of School Education Haryana, Bhiwani, Central Board of School Education (CBSE) Delhi and Indian Certificate of secondary Education (ICSE) Board, Delhi, situated in Haryana and UT Chandigarh only.
  • If applying as graduate/ PG qualified, then should have been obtained degree only through regular courses from Punjabi University, Patiala and any recognized Universities in UT Chandigarh or NCT Delhi or Haryana.
  • If applicant is applying as 10+2 pass, applicant’s age should be between 18 to 35 years. However if applicant is applying as graduate / PG qualified, then age of applicant should be b/w 21 to 35 years.
  • Applicant should not be a regular student under full time course.
  • Applicant should not have passed 10+2 examination / graduate degree / PG degree through correspondence.
  • Applicant should not be an employee dismissed from Government Service.
  • Applicant should not be in any kind of employment e.g., public/private sector/ quasi-government or self-employment.
  • The annual family income of applicant shall not exceed rupees three lakhs (Rs. 3 lakhs) from all sources.
  • The registration for this component of the scheme shall be online in digital mode only on https://hreyahs.gov.in.

Unemployment Allowance & Honorarium in Saksham Yuva Scheme

There are 2 components of the Saksham Yuva Yojana namely Unemployment Allowance Sub-Scheme and Honorarium Sub-Scheme, here are the rates.

Qualification (for both Male and Female)Rate of Allowance & Honorarium
10+2 or equivalentRs. 6900 (Rs. 900 as allowance and Rs. 6000 as honorarium)
Graduates or equivalentRs. 7500 (Rs. 1500 as allowance and Rs. 6000 as honorarium)
Post Graduates or equivalentRs. 9000 (Rs. 3000 as allowance and Rs. 6000 as honorarium)

Self Declarations to Apply for Saksham Yuva Yojana

  • That the house of applicant has a functional toilet. If the applicants house no functional toilet he/she shall make a functional toilet within two months from the date of registration.
  • That the family of the applicant has no pending dues payable to/is defaulter of the Power Department or its companies and if in default, then she/he undertakes to utilize part of the honorarium /allowance towards clearance of the dues.
  • That the family of the applicant is not a defaulter of any Co-operative Bank and if in default, then he/she undertakes to utilize part of the honorarium/allowance towards payment of such dues.
  • That there is no encroachment on public/Panchayat land by any member of his/her family.
  • That the family of the applicant is not a defaulter of house tax payable to a Urban Local Body and if in default, then he/she undertakes to utilize part of the honorarium/allowance towards of such dues.

Important Note for Saksham Yuva Yojana in Haryana

Those eligible post-graduate/graduate applicants whom the designated Department is not able to engage for the honorary assignments shall be given allowance @ Rs. 3,000/1500 per month, subject to the condition that the applicant shall attend skill training under the various skill development programs being organized by the Government as and when his/her name is sponsored and nominated for such training by the Department. The skill training options (at least ten in all) shall be given by the applicant at the time of registration from the over 200 skill trainings indicated in the online registration form on the online portal https://hreyahs.gov.in.

  • In case a beneficiary fails to attend a scheduled skill training at first instance, his/her allowance will be suspended; and;
  • If he/she does not attend the second such scheduled skill training, he/she will be removed from the scheme.

For more details on Saksham Yuva Yojana in Haryana, check User Manual through the link https://hreyahs.gov.in/US/candidate.pdf

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