Maharashtra Bandhkam Kamgar Yojana registration 2025 (online / offline) process has been started at portal. One can now apply online as construction worker at mahabocw portal and can even apply offline by downloading revised labour registration form PDF. The construction worers registration has been made mandatory by the Maharashtra govt to avail benefits of several Bandhkam Kamgar Kalyan Yojana meant for them.
Read this article till the end to know how to make Maharashtra Bandhkam Kamgar Yojana registration online or offline to apply online for Construction Workers Welfare Schemes.
Maharashtra Bandhkam Kamgar Yojana Registration 2025 Online
STEP 1: Firstly visit the official website of Maharashtra Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board at
STEP 2: At the homepage, scroll over “Workers” tab and click at “Workers Registration” link or directly click
STEP 3: Accordingly, the page to check construction workers eligibility would get displayed on your screen.
STEP 4: Enter your date of birth and answer questions like “Are you working in Maharashtra for more than 90 days?”, “Do you have proof of residental address?”, “Do you have Aadhaar Card” and then click “Check Your Eligibility”.
STEP 5: If you are eligible to register, then press “OK” to proceed with Mahabocw registration of new construction workers.
STEP 6: Subsequently, page to make mahabocw registration and renewal will open. Here you can enter aadhar number, currently used mobile number and click “Proceed to Form” button.
STEP 7: Accordingly, the Maharashtra New BOCW Registration Form 2025 will appear as shown below:-
STEP 8: Construction workers can then fill Maharashtra Bandhkam Kamgar Yojana online registration form to apply online for various welfare schemes meant specifically for them.
Maharashtra Construction Workers Registration Form PDF (Offline)
If you want to download Maharashtra Construction Workers Registration Form PDF, then click the link –
Upon clicking the link, the Maharashtra Bandhkam Kamgar Yojana registration form PDF for offline registration will get displayed on your screen.
Download the बांधकाम कामगार नोंदणी फॉर्म PDF, take a printout, fill it manually and submit it to the concerned authorities for approval. After the submitted form is approved, you would be registered as a construction worker (Bandhkam Kamgar) in Maharashtra state.
Eligibility Criteria for Bandhkam Kamgar Yojana Registration
Each labourer must fulfill the below mentioned eligibility criteria to make Maharashtra Construction Workers registration:-
- A worker should be between 18 to 60 years of age.
- A worker must be working for more than 90 days in the last 12 months.
List of Documents Required for Mahabocw Registration
To get registered with Mahabocw board, form-V has to be filled and submitted along with following documents.
- Proof of Age
- 90 days working certificate
- Residence proof
- Identity proof
- 3 Passport Sized Photographs
Registration fee- Rs. 1/- and subscription per year -Rs. 1/-
Definition of Recognised Types of Works
“Building or other construction work means the construction, alteration, repairs, maintenance or demolition, of or, in relation to…
- Buildings,
- Streets,
- Roads,
- Railways,
- Tramways,
- Airfields,
- Irrigation,
- Drainage,
- Embankment And Navigation Works,
- Flood Control Works (Including Storm Water Drainage Works),
- Generation, Transmission And Distribution Of Power,
- Water Works (Including Channels For Distribution Of Water),
- Oil And Gas Installations,
- Electric Lines,
- Wireless,
- Radio,
- Television,
- Telephone,
- Telegraph and Overseas Communications,
- Dams,
- Canals,
- Reservoirs,
- Watercourses,
- Tunnels,
- Bridges,
- Viaducts,
- Aquaducts,
- Pipelines,
- Towers,
- Cooling Towers,
- Transmission Towers and Such Other Work,
- Cutting the stone, breaking it and crushing the stone finely.,
- Cutting and polishing of tiles or tiles.,
- Carpentry with paint, varnish, etc.,
- Gutter and plumbing works.,
- Electrical works including wiring, distribution, tensioning, etc.,
- Installation and repair of fire extinguishers.,
- Installation and repair of air conditioning equipment.,
- Installation of automatic lifts, etc.,
- Installation of security doors and equipment.,
- Preparation and installation of iron or metal grills, windows, doors.,
- Construction of irrigation infrastructure.,
- Interior work (including decorative) including carpentry, virtual ceilings, lighting, plaster of Paris.,
- Cutting glass, plastering glass and installing glass panels.,
- Preparation of bricks, roofs, etc., not covered under the Factories Act, 1948.,
- Installation of energy efficient equipment like solar panels etc.,
- Installation of modular units for use in places like cooking.,
- Preparation and installation of cement concrete material etc.,
- Construction of sports or recreational facilities including swimming pool, golf course etc.,
- Construction or erection of information panels, road furniture, passenger shelters or bus stations, signal systems.,
- Construction of Rotaries, Installation of Fountains etc.,
- Construction of public parks, sidewalks, picturesque terrain etc.
Maharashtra Bandhkam Kamgar Kalyan Yojana List
Here is the complete list of Maharashtra Construction Workers Welfare Schemes:-
- Reimbursement of Rs. 30,000 for first marriage expenses.
- Mid-day Meal Scheme
- Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan Yojna
- Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Vima Yojna
- Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Vima Yojna
- Recognition of Prior Learning Training
- Financial assistance of Rs. 51,000 for the marriage of one daughter of the registered construction worker.
- 1st to 7th class student’s- Rs. 2500 per year
- 8th to 10th class student’s- Rs. 5000 per year (75% or more attendance compulsory)
- 10th to 12th class student’s- Rs. 10,000 per year for securing 50% or more percentage.
- 11th to 12th class student’s- Rs.10,000 per year
- For degree course – Rs. 20,000 per year (also applicable for wife of registered construction worker)
- Medical degree- Rs. 1,00000
- Engineering degree- Rs. 60,000 (applicable for wife also)
- Diploma course- Rs. 20,000 per year
- Post graduation diploma course- Rs. 25,000 per year (Government approved courses only)
- Reimbursement of MSCIT course
- Normal delivery- Rs. 15,000
- Surgical delivery- Rs. 20,000
- For the treatment of Critical illness- Rs. 1,00,000 (for registered construction worker, his/her family member’s)
- Fixed deposit of Rs. 1,00,000 till girl child attend her age of 18 (Has to undergo contraceptive surgery after birth of 1st girl child)
- 75% or permanent disability- Rs. 2,00,000
- Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Jan Arogya Yojana
- Health check up
- Accidental death during course of work at the construction site- Rs. 5,00,000/- (to the legal heir)
- Financial Assistance for Natural death- Rs. 2,00,000
- Atal bandkam kamgar awas yojna (Urban)
- Atal bandkam kamgar awas yojna (Rural)
- Funeral assistance- Rs. 10,000
- Assistance of Rs. 24,000 per year for Widow or Widower of registered construction worker (for 5 years)
- Rs. 6,00,000 for Home loan from bank for purchases of house or Rs. 2,00,000 grant
- Financial assistance to send the dead body of the registered worker to his village or place of residence by hearse.
Maharashtra Construction Workers Registration is compulsory to avail benefits of labourer welfare schemes. Check Scheme Wise Beneficiaries and Amount Disbursed –
Other Important Links at Mahabocw Portal
- Mahabocw Renewal for Construction Workers –
- Claim Management Form for Welfare Schemes –
- Update Your Registration as Construction Worker –
- Construction Worker Profile Login –
- Bandhkam Kamgar Yojana List (बांधकाम कामगार यादी) –
For more details on Maharashtra Bandhkam Kamgar Yojana, visit the official website at