Krishi Bhagya Scheme Karnataka 2025 Guidelines PDF Download at

Krishi Bhagya Scheme 2025 guidelines are available to download in PDF format at The Karnataka state government has started Krushi Bhagya Yojane to give more emphasis on taking up water conservation activities like construction of farm ponds in their agricultural land. It ensures saving every drop of rainwater for using during the dry spells to protect standing crops.

Krishi Bhagya Yojane involves construction of climate-resilient technology for rain-fed agriculture like farm ponds, poly houses, polythene sheet and sprinklers/drippers. In addition to this, a motor pump is offered at a subsided rate to assist farmers in harvesting of the excess rainwater on a farmer’s field.

Read this article to get the direct link to download Krishi Bhagya Scheme Guidelines PDF and also check the announcement made in the Karnataka Budget 2025-26 for the scheme.

Krishi Bhagya Scheme in Karnataka Budget 2025-26

On 7th March 2025, Finance Minister presented Karnataka Budget 2025-26. While delivering the Karnataka Budget Speech 2025-26, the hon’ble Finance Minister of Karnataka said “More than 3 lakh Farm Ponds have been constructed under the flagship Krishi Bhagya Scheme to provide irrigation at critical stages of crop development. This has helped increase farmers’ income as well as improved crop productivity in the climate-affected and rainfed areas of the State. 12,000 more Farm Ponds will be constructed under the scheme in the Financial Year 2025-26.”

Objectives of Krishi Bhagya Scheme

  • Krishi Bhagya scheme primarily focuses on securing the farmer’s income by taking up on-farm rainwater conservation practices.
  • It increases the productivity of farmers by enabling them to use stored rainwater in farm ponds.
  • It encourages the farmers to adopt modern technologies at a subsidized price to farmers for efficient use of water.
  • Krishi Bhagya Yojana encourages farmers to adopt good agricultural practices like integrated farming, mixed cropping, intercropping with short duration crops.
  • This scheme aims to improve the farmers income and ensure a better standard of living.

Components of Krishi Bhagya Yojane

The main components of Krishi Bhagya Yojana are Farm Ponds, Diesel Pump Sets, Micro Irrigation and Poly House. The primary purpose of the strategy is that harvested water in the farm ponds is being applied for providing life-saving protective irrigation for rain-fed crops through drip and sprinkler irrigation system, the polythene sheets are provided to prevent the percolation losses and shade nets for reducing evaporation losses of the water from the farm ponds, poly-houses for protective cultivation of an assortment of crops like vegetables, greenhouse for high-value crops, floriculture, acclimatizing fruit crop growing for the export market, encouraging multiple cropping, inter cropping systems and the motor pumps to raise the water from the conserved structures.

The various components of the Krishi Bhagya Scheme play a vital role in stabilizing crop production during the dry spells.

Benefits of Krishi Bhagya Scheme

  • Increase in farm productivity.
  • Infusion of new technology and equipment.
  • Adoption of sustainable agricultural practices.
  • Better water management and irrigation facilities.
  • Growth of high-value crops in the poly houses.
  • Protection of crops by utilizing water harvested in the farm ponds if there is scarcity of rain.

Eligibility for Farmers under Krishi Bhagya Scheme

  • Farmers who possess 1 acre land or more can avail the benefits of the scheme.
  • Farmers who have received subsidy for pump sets and drip irrigation system during the last 3 years are NOT eligible for fresh funds. However, such farmers can avail fund for farm ponds.
  • Applications are issued in Raitha Samparka Kendra’s (RSK).

Other Announcements for Agriculture Sector in Karnataka Budget 2025-26

  • To assist the farmers and policy makers take accurate decisions on crops to improve productivity, Digital Agricultural Service Centres will be established. These centres will use digital, artificial intelligence as well as innovations in the field of geospatial technologies at global stage to find solutions to the challenges being faced by State’s farmers.
  • The existing classification of climate zones of the State was fixed several years ago. In the light of recent natural calamities, an Expert Committee will be constituted to look into the re-delineation of the existing classification of climate zones.
  • To make the rain fed agriculture sustainable and improve the livelihood of farmers, a comprehensive Rain-fed Agriculture policy will be implemented since 64 per cent cultivated area of the state is rain-fed area.
  • The 58 laboratories under the agriculture department will be strengthened with advanced scientific instruments and technologies to provide better quality service to the farmers for testing of soil and the quality of agricultural inputs such as pesticides, fertilizers, seeds etc.
  • Joida taluka of Uttara-kannada district will be converted as the first “organic taluka” of the State to promote sustainable organic farming. Organic certification facility will be provided to the farmers to enable them get better market for their produce.
  • Integrated soil and water management, proper waste management, efficient water utilization and integrated nutrient management will be implemented in collaboration with sugar factories in 3000 hectares of farm land in Belagavi, Bagalkot, Vijayapura, Kalaburagi and Mandya.
  • Bio-agricultural inputs manufactured by agri start-ups will be facilitated to be sold at an appropriate price through Raitha Samparka Kendras.
  • Land resource inventory for 12.90 lakh hectare has been completed under the World Bank-assisted Rejuvenation of Watershed for Agriculture Resilience through innovative Development (REWARD) Scheme. Action will be taken to complete land resource inventory in 11 lakh hectare land in the current year. Farmers will be encouraged to grow appropriate crops and use necessary chemical fertilisers and nutrients by making use of information obtained from the land resource inventory.
  • Organic and Millet Hub will be established at a cost of Rs. 20 crores to encourage organic and millet farming, to bridge the gap between supply and demand of these crops and to create suitable market facility for the farmers.
  • An Agriculture Research Station will be established at Muddebihal taluk of Vijayapura district.

For Karnataka Krishi Bhagya Scheme Guidelines PDF, visit the link –

Karnataka Budget 2025-26 PDF Download:

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